The Ultimate GRE Score Interpretation Guide

Did you take the GRE recently or are planning to take it soon? Then you’ll need to know exactly how GRE score interpretation works. What are GRE percentiles? What does the GRE mean for your intelligence and ability to succeed?

In this guide, we explain how to interpret GRE scores using averages and percentiles, give you tips on how to set a GRE goal score based on the programs you’re applying to, and take a look at what GRE scores say about your intelligence, your ability to succeed, and your acceptance chances.

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Old GRE Scores: Do They Still Work?


How long ago did you take the GRE? Was it before August of 2011? More or less than five years ago? Your answers to these questions determine if you can still send out your old GRE scores.

In this article, I’ll explain how to get old GRE scores and if they’re still valid. I’ll also cover how to convert scores from the old GRE score range to the new one.

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ETS Code Lookup: 3-Step Guide


You’re done with the GRE, done at last! Now all you need to do is send your score reports to the right schools, using the ETS code. But what is an ETS code, and why do you need it? I’ll go over both of these things, along with how to look up the ETS codes for the schools you’re applying to, in this article.

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GRE Score Report: What It Is, What It Says, and How to Send It


Taking the GRE can be a terrifying endeavor, but sometimes it’s looking at the score report that is the ultimate test of courage.  Unfortunately, even after you calm your nerves enough to look at your score, you can still end up confused. What exactly does a GRE score report contain? How can you tell if you scored well on the GRE?

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the ETS GRE score report. Together, we’ll take a look at the various sections of the GRE score report, go over what your schools see on their score reports, and discuss the different methods for sending scores to your schools on and after test day.

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How to Send GRE Scores: Step-by-Step Guide


Sending GRE scores should be a simple process, but sometimes it’s as tricky and complicated as the GRE itself is. What’s the easiest way to send GRE scores? How much does it cost to send GRE scores? And what is “ScoreSelect” anyway?

In this article, we’ll go over exactly how to send GRE scores. We’ll start by looking at the various types of score reports and how much it costs to send GRE scores before explaining how to make sure your scores get to your schools by application deadlines.

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What Is GRE Score Select? Why Should You Care?


You may think that all your work is over once you’ve finished taking the GRE, but you still have to send your scores to schools you’re interested in. That’s where GRE Score Select (or ScoreSelect) comes into play.

What is GRE ScoreSelect? How does it work? How does it affect your grad school applications? GRE ScoreSelect has some key differences compared to other score reporting programs, and in this guide we’ll go over everything you need to know to become an expert on your GRE score choice options.

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